Englanninkielisessä webinaarissa 9.4. klo 17.00 käsitellään johtamista arvaamattomassa ja uhkia sisältävässä toimintaympäristössä. Ilmoittaudu ohesta mukaan!

Leading in complexity and navigating polarities – such as hybrid threats 

In LKJ’s webinar,  April 9th at 17.00 we have the pleasure of having Sonja Blignaut from South Africa and Tom Hanen from the Finnish Border Guard join and offer their extensive experience and practical applications of navigating, making sense of and leading in uncertainty and surprising events.  Sonja teaches and consults on complexity and wayfinding internationally.  She has also worked for PWC, IBM and The Cynefin Co. Tom has a PhD in complexity theory and works in the Finnish Border Guard, that has gotten attention the last few months due to the surprising events at the Finnish border.

In this session Sonja will explore what complexity means (vs. complicated) and how it connects to the business world, consulting and leadership. We will unpack questions like: How do we operate when we can’t know what we are stepping into before we go? What skills and habits of mind do we need to navigate uncertainty and become wayfinders who ”know as we go”? 

Tom will connect the theory to situations at hand, such as the hybrid threats that are faced at many country borders and offer insights from his doctoral dissertation on leading during surprising events (Yllätysten edessä – kompleksisuusteoreettinen tulkinta yllättävien ja dynaamisten tilanteiden johtamisesta). Both have promised to also share their best tips, practices and principles. 

In this session, you will learn about the theory and application of leading in complexity, as well as listen to a lively conversation between our guests and have a possibility to join the conversation towards the end of the webinar. A warm welcome, please sign up here.

The host for this webinar will be Heidi Gutekunst and Mika Kalliomaa.

About our guest speakers

Sonja BlignautSonja Blignaut is an internationally recognised complexity practitioner, sought-after speaker, teacher, and thinking partner.  She is passionate about democratizing complexity by making its wisdom accessible and available to leaders, teams and organizations who need to navigate uncertainty.   

Sonja consulted for PWC and IBM and then founded More Beyond Pty Ltd.  She is also the co-founder of Complexity Fit and the ex-CEO of The Cynefin Co. She has worked with companies like Ikea, Electrolux, Microsoft, Deloitte, Standard Bank, and Rand Merchant Bank.    

Sonja lives in South Africa and is an avid photographer and self-professed coffee snob.

Tom Hanen Tom Hanén is a Finnish naval officer by background, holding a doctorate in military science. Throughout his career, he has researched organizations and security from various perspectives. His dissertation (2018) merged complexity theory and leadership.

Tom believes that complexity theory aids leaders in understanding why not everything can be predicted and what aspects leaders should pay attention to in complex situations. There is no reason to freeze in complexity; rather, understanding it can help to act effectively even in challenging situations.

